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MovieBase is a dynamic application designed to catalog and retrieve information about movies you have watched. It allows users to manage a personal movie database stored on Supabase, supporting functionalities such as adding, deleting, and editing movie details. Users can search for movies by various criteria, sort through their collection, and more.

The inception of MovieBase stemmed from the need to manage a growing list of watched movies, addressing challenges such as:

  • Recalling whether a movie has been watched as the list grows.
  • Documenting personal impressions and ratings.
  • Simplifying the search for movies within a personal collection.
  • Facilitating movie recommendations to friends and family.

Key Features

  • Search for a Movie in the Catalog:

    • By Title: Quickly locate movies by title.
    • By Director: Find movies by director, aiding in exploration of works by specific filmmakers.
  • Manage Movie Entries:

    • Add Movies: Input new movies with details like title, director, duration, genre, and personal notes.
    • Edit Movies: Update details in existing entries, such as notes or ratings.
    • Delete Movies: Remove unwanted entries from the catalog.
  • Filter and Sort:

    • Filter by Rating: View movies based on user-assigned ratings.
    • Sort Options: Organize movies by title, director, viewing time, or rating.
  • Enhanced Movie Details:

    • Notes: Add personal annotations or memories related to the movie.
    • Rating: Assign ratings to reflect personal preferences.
  • Integration with IMDB for Additional Information:

    • Cover Art: View cover art for each movie.
    • Original Title and Director: Access comprehensive details including original titles and directors.
    • Duration and Genre: Check the runtime and genre to better select movies.

Tech Stack

MovieBase utilizes modern web technologies to ensure a responsive and intuitive user experience:

  • React: Powers the frontend, facilitating a dynamic and responsive user interface.
  • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework used for crafting bespoke designs directly within HTML.
  • Supabase: Serves as the backend, offering real-time database functionality and cloud-based storage.
  • PrimeReact: Provides a rich set of UI components that enhance React application capabilities with ready-to-use widgets.

This combination of technologies ensures that MovieBase is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing and easy to use.